Diabetes Mellitus, for example, can lead to retinopathy, kidney disease, neuropathy, the use of dialysis, etc. Hypertension can lead to vascular disease in the heart or brain. All this can be prevented by treating obesity; we understand now that obesity is not just another way of life, it is a disease that makes a person be in a constant inflammatory state and, when approached by a team of specialists, it can be reversed.
Today the United States is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of obesity in it´s population; nearly 4 of every 10 american adults are obese, the cost of medical health in the American population is 261 billion dollars every year, and personal expenses for about $2,800 USD annually for every obese patient in the united states (according to an article published in 2021 in the Journal of Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy).
Led by Dr. Jesus Margarito, is a Bariatric Clinic formed by a complete group of specialists trained in the management of Obesity in every single aspect.
She has a Master’s Degree in Psychotherapy and a Doctorate in Education and a Diploma in Bariatric Psychology.
She has a Master in Clinical Nutrition and a postgraduate diploma in clinical bariatrics endorsed by the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases. She is an Associate Professor at the Master in Clinical Nutrition and Professor at the Diploma in Bariatrics.
He is certified by the Mexican Council of Anesthesiology, Certified by the National Academy of Medicine, Delegate of the Mexican Federation of Anesthesiology, Member of the World Federation Society of Anesthesiologists.
Bariatric Surgery is indicated in people whose BMI is 30 or higher and have Diabetes that has not been able to control it´s glucose levels, despite of adecuate pharmacological management and behavioral changes. Also is indicated in whose BMI is 35 or higher and has any disease related to obesity (Example: Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, articular problems, etc.) Bariatric surgery can also be performed in people whose BMI is 40 or higher, even if they apparently don´t have any disease at the moment.
We now understand that preventing the disease or solving it early in life is the best way to avoid complications later, it´s better to prevent a complication than to treat it, that´s way every day is more flexible who can be candidate for this kind of procedures, also because with time, bariatric surgery has become safer and with less and less long term sequels.
You can use this BMI calculator to discover if you are candidate for this kind of procedures
Medical tourism refers to international flows of travelers who usually travel outside their own country in order to receive medical services at a better price from a team of trained physicians.
According to Patients Beyond Borders (2019), between 1.4 and 3 million foreign patients travel to Mexico, including migrants returning for various treatments, which places the country in second place in medical tourism worldwide.
México receives millions of people seeking medical services. What is this trend about and why has it grown so much?
The Medical Tourism Association points out that surgeries and medical treatments in the country, in specialties such as cardiology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, dentistry and oncology, among others, are between 40 and 80% cheaper than in the United States, where 80% of the tourists who come to Mexico for health reasons come from.
Figures from the Global Wellness Institute indicate that in 2018 wellness tourism in Mexico represented a revenue of US$17.9 million, of which 65% corresponded to medical tourism.
In the particular case of Mexico, according to SECTUR, medical tourism registered an increase in both demand and supply, especially in the northern border states, such as Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, although Jalisco, Guanajuato and Mexico City have also been on the rise.
Bariatric surgery must be performed by certified experienced doctors in the adequate facilities to treat this group of specific patients, as you might need especial care for any specific condition you have. We perform surgeries in Tijuana Baja California in Mi Doctor Hospital, recently renovated and specialized in the care of bariatric patients. Just 5 minutes from the San Diego border, makes it a convenient place to receive quality medical attention. We also work in Guadalajara, second largest city in Mexico, in Hospital Puerta de Hierro, one of the top hospitals in México, certified by National Health institute in Mexico and member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network.